Singing Guide: Nell Bryden

Singing Guide: Nell Bryden

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Nell Bryden

Nell Bryden is a powerful American singer and songwriter. Her music is a hybrid of blues, country, soul, and folk with a powerful and emotional delivery. In this article, we'll delve into the unique vocal techniques that define Nell Bryden's singing, and provide some practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources that will help you to improve your own singing abilities.

Nell Bryden's Unique Vocal Technique

Nell Bryden's vocal technique is characterized by her ability to deliver powerful performances with a lot of heart and emotion. She has a natural talent for storytelling that is evident in her songwriting and her vocal delivery. Here are some of the key vocal techniques that define Nell Bryden's singing:

  • Emotive phrasing

    Nell Bryden is renowned for emotive phrasing that captures the intensity and passion of her music. Her use of dynamics is a hallmark of her singing. She is able to move seamlessly through different levels of intensity, from soft and intimate to loud and powerful.

  • Vibrato

    Another defining feature of Nell Bryden's singing is her vibrato. She is able to use this technique to add warmth and depth to her voice, giving her performances a lot of character and personality.

  • Powerful, expressive chest voice

    Nell Bryden's chest voice is another key feature of her singing. She is able to use it to deliver powerful, expressive performances that come straight from the heart. Her chest voice is often accompanied by strong emotion and a sense of vulnerability, making her singing even more powerful and engaging.

  • Clever use of vocal breaks

    Finally, Nell Bryden is known for her clever use of vocal breaks. She is able to use these to great effect to add character and depth to her singing.

How to Learn to Sing Like Nell Bryden

If you want to learn to sing like Nell Bryden, there are a few things that you can do to improve your skills. Here are some practical tips:

  • Work on your emotive phrasing

    To improve your emotive phrasing, start by choosing a simple song that you feel emotionally connected to. Record yourself singing it and then listen to the recording, paying close attention to where you pause, when you emphasize certain words, and where you add dynamics. Then, practice singing the song again, this time incorporating what you learned from the first recording.

  • Practice adding vibrato to your voice

    To add vibrato to your voice, practice alternating between high and low notes using your diaphragm. Gradually increase the speed of the vibration until you achieve the desired effect.

  • Develop your chest voice

    To develop your chest voice, practice singing from the chest rather than the throat. This will require you to use your diaphragm and engage your abdominal muscles. Start by practicing simple warm-up exercises, such as humming, and gradually work your way up to more complex songs.

  • Practice your vocal breaks

    To develop your ability to use vocal breaks, practice singing between your chest voice and your head voice. Start by practicing simple scales and arpeggios, and gradually work your way up to more complex melodies.

Singing Carrots Resources

To help you improve your singing skills, Singing Carrots has plenty of resources available. Here are some relevant ones:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.